February 4, 2010

'Pro-choice' really means 'pro-abortion'

'Pro-choice' really means 'pro-abortion'

Pro-choice is murder banner

The national director for Generation Life says it comes as no surprise that liberal groups are upset over a Super Bowl ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother.
Focus on the Family produced the 30-second spot, which is slated to run during the CBS broadcast on Sunday and reportedly will feature Pam Tebow recounting her decision to carry Tim to full-term, despite a doctor's advice to have an abortion due to health concerns.

Liberal and feminist groups were quick to denounce the ad, even though it has yet to be previewed, and Brandi Swindell, founder and national director of Generation Life, contends the heated opposition shows the liberal groups' true colors.

"They're not really pro-choice organizations -- they are pro-abortion organizations," she contends. "So it's disappointing when you see ads that pretend to be pro-woman, that at the end of the day are completely anti-woman. And we see them being very pro-abortion, very anti-woman as they protest and are so angry over this ad."

The National Organization for Women has criticized the network's decision to air the ad, saying it "life threatening" and "extraordinarily offensive and demeaning." To which, self-described pro-choice sports columnist Sally Jenkins replies : "If the pro-choice stance is so precarious that a story about someone who chose to carry a risky pregnancy to term undermines it, then CBS is not the problem."

Allie Martin
Publish Date: February 4, 2010
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