Abortion proponents attack Planned Parenthood, NARAL
Of course pro-aborts have ample reason to see red following the House's passage of the Stupak/Pitts pro-life amendment to the socialized healthcare bill. Duck, because they're shooting wildly at each other.
My first indication was this on Twitter...

Then, ooh la la, came this headline in the Huffington Post...

Get out the popcorn...
... Stupak wrote a letter signed by 19 Democrats saying they would do just what they're doing right now - holding the bill hostage. And what did NARAL and Planned Parenthood do? Well, they released a lot of statements echoing the President's contention that the bill contained no abortion funding. But that was never Stupak's objection....
[H]elping the Democrats stay in power by giving them the Official Good Gyno Seal of Approval is what NARAL and Planned Parenthood do....
nancy keenan, photo, barack obama, healthcare, abortion, stupak.jpg
Could they whip the pro-choice women to block the rule if they want to? Of course they could. Yank their endorsements and they could cause havoc within the Democratic Party. But they won't, because Nancy Keenan [pictured right, with Obama] and Cecile Richards value their own personal position in the veal pen pecking order WAY too much to take that risk. For them, what's good for the Democratic Party is good for choice, even when the party abandons them....
But let's be clear about this. The only reason that we are in [this] position... is because Planned Parenthood and NARAL have allowed it to happen. They collect millions of dollars in revenue each year. They've exacted no price... and focused instead on anti-choice Republicans who are only empowered by their ire. They have no scalps. There is no price for crossing Planned Parenthood and NARAL. It isn't a fight that the Democrats want to spend "political capital" on, and these groups insure that they don't have to.
Forget about the fact that more Americans are now anti-choice than pro-choice for the first time since Gallup has been polling the issue. More and more Democrats in Congress each year are anti-choice. It's acceptable now....
The national Planned Parenthood organization listed $126 million in assets in 2007. Cecile Richards made $385,163. The state chapters whose employees put their lives on the line so women can have the right to choose deserve support and protection within the Democratic party that she is not providing.
NARAL paid Nancy Keenan $145,538 from the Foundation in 2007, which listed total assets of $4,119,329.
If they really cared about going after Stupak or Kaptur as a lesson to the rest, they most certainly have the resources to do it....
One can only imagine what would happen if pro-choice supporters started calling them. In short, Stupak and his fellow anti-abortion demagogues within the Democratic Party only get away with this because NARAL and Planned Parenthood let them....
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: jillstanek.com
Publish Date: November 9, 2009
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Of course pro-aborts have ample reason to see red following the House's passage of the Stupak/Pitts pro-life amendment to the socialized healthcare bill. Duck, because they're shooting wildly at each other.
My first indication was this on Twitter...

Then, ooh la la, came this headline in the Huffington Post...

Get out the popcorn...
... Stupak wrote a letter signed by 19 Democrats saying they would do just what they're doing right now - holding the bill hostage. And what did NARAL and Planned Parenthood do? Well, they released a lot of statements echoing the President's contention that the bill contained no abortion funding. But that was never Stupak's objection....
[H]elping the Democrats stay in power by giving them the Official Good Gyno Seal of Approval is what NARAL and Planned Parenthood do....
nancy keenan, photo, barack obama, healthcare, abortion, stupak.jpg
Could they whip the pro-choice women to block the rule if they want to? Of course they could. Yank their endorsements and they could cause havoc within the Democratic Party. But they won't, because Nancy Keenan [pictured right, with Obama] and Cecile Richards value their own personal position in the veal pen pecking order WAY too much to take that risk. For them, what's good for the Democratic Party is good for choice, even when the party abandons them....
But let's be clear about this. The only reason that we are in [this] position... is because Planned Parenthood and NARAL have allowed it to happen. They collect millions of dollars in revenue each year. They've exacted no price... and focused instead on anti-choice Republicans who are only empowered by their ire. They have no scalps. There is no price for crossing Planned Parenthood and NARAL. It isn't a fight that the Democrats want to spend "political capital" on, and these groups insure that they don't have to.
Forget about the fact that more Americans are now anti-choice than pro-choice for the first time since Gallup has been polling the issue. More and more Democrats in Congress each year are anti-choice. It's acceptable now....
The national Planned Parenthood organization listed $126 million in assets in 2007. Cecile Richards made $385,163. The state chapters whose employees put their lives on the line so women can have the right to choose deserve support and protection within the Democratic party that she is not providing.
NARAL paid Nancy Keenan $145,538 from the Foundation in 2007, which listed total assets of $4,119,329.
If they really cared about going after Stupak or Kaptur as a lesson to the rest, they most certainly have the resources to do it....
One can only imagine what would happen if pro-choice supporters started calling them. In short, Stupak and his fellow anti-abortion demagogues within the Democratic Party only get away with this because NARAL and Planned Parenthood let them....
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: jillstanek.com
Publish Date: November 9, 2009
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