Africa has the highest number of pre-term births, but surprisingly, North America, with its sophisticated neonatal intensive care units, is a close second. The statistics are alarming enough that experts are looking into the problem of premature births around the world.
Dr. Gene Rudd with the Christian Medical & Dental Associations says the culture of abortion-on-demand may be a cause because some scientific information exists showing an abortion can cause premature births in later pregnancies.
"There'll be lots of people wanting to deny that data," Rudd says, "but right now the data is concerning enough that women ought to be counseled that abortion does predispose them, or at least appears to be predisposing them, to prematurity with subsequent pregnancies."
premature baby adult handDr. Rudd says prematurity exists though in cultures, like Africa, where abortion is not common but it is caused by compounding variables, like poor health, poor nutrition, and poor prenatal care.
"It certainly increases with women who have their own health complications," he says, "and there are certain racial groups that have higher incidences of premature birth."
Dr. Rudd concludes that what can be done to help these women and babies should be done. Premature babies, he points out, can have lifelong problems, including cerebral palsy, blindness, and learning disabilities.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 15, 2009
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