President Barack Obama spoke October 16 at a volunteerism forum hosted by former President George H. W. Bush at Texas A&M University.
During his remarks, Obama plugged his new government program,
And that's the point I want to emphasize today: that service isn't separate from our national priorities, or secondary to our national priorities - it's integral to achieving our national priorities. It's how we will meet the challenges of our time....
That's why this summer we launched United We Serve, a nationwide effort calling on all Americans to make service part of their daily lives. And we partnered with more than 400 organizations; made more than 250,000 service opportunities available on; and watched as nonprofits, and foundations, and corporations, and individuals spent hundreds of thousands of hours serving their communities....
In Obama's world what service is "integral" to our "national priorities? And what is one organization has he at taxpayer expense linked volunteers to for "service opportunities"?
The answer to question #1 is abortion, and the answer to #2 is Planned Parenthood, the United States' largest abortion provider.
Lisa Stauber of the Houston Conservative Examiner did some digging and reported this October 16:
Earlier this week, Breitbart's BigGovernment site outed as promoting volunteer opportunities at the beleaguered ACORN. Those posts have since been scrubbed, but I wondered what other opportunities this administration might be promoting.
Typing in the keyword "health" and selecting "Houston" [on the site] brought up Planned Parenthood's need for volunteers to protect clients from the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil participants [currently "C" on page 7 of the AllForGood website, which links back to]. Their job? Make sure pro-life protesters don't speak or give any information to women seeking abortions at the clinic.
Click to enlarge...
40 Days founder David Bereit, who alerted me of this, wrote, "So taxpayers are being forced to fund the abortion industry's recruitment efforts to counter 40 Days for Life. Amazing. Or should I say, SICK."
Here's a screen shot of the Planned Parenthood "Opportunity sign-up" to thwart 40 Days in Houston currently on
I also found a volunteer sign-up for Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio on
And this 1 sounds so pleasant! Sign up thru to help Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin peddle abortions at the Madison Farmers Market!
I'm sure I'd find more if I kept looking but you get the drift. You're paying for Planned Parenthood to snag volunteers, sometimes to directly combat our pro-life efforts.
Contact: Jill Stanek
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