On the eve of one of the most important votes on health care reform to date, a coalition of pro-life groups has released a new video urging Americans to join an online protest of taxpayer funded abortions at IAM71.org. (View video.)
On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on its version of health care reform legislation that experts say would allow for the public funding for abortions. If successful, it would be the first step toward forcing the American people to fund abortions through a national health care system even though such funding is opposed by 71% of the people, according to a recent Zogby Poll.
"Nearly three quarters of Americans oppose this ill-advised legislation that would force us to violate our consciences by funding abortions with our tax dollars," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who leads the growing coalition of sponsors of the protest which include, the Christian Defense Coalition, Rock for Life, Pro-life Unity, Jill Stanek, the Survivors, and others.
"Even though 71% is a huge majority, most people feel like no one is listening to their deeply held convictions on this matter. The online protest at IAM71.org gives these disenfranchised Americans the opportunity to make their voices heard by Congress in a unique way. We are using the power of the Internet to affect change in our government."
The video, now available on YouTube.com, urges Americans to upload photos of themselves with the number 71 to the IAM71.org website, which will be sent to each member of Congress.
"We are encouraging those who participate to spread the word using e-mail and their social networking sites," said Newman. "We are also urging them to take their protest to the next level by contacting their Senators and Representatives, protesting at their home offices, and writing letters to their local newspapers in opposition to Obama's scheme to force Americans to pay for abortions."
"Public pressure is an effective tool. We pray that the Senators will listen to the 71% of American people, and defeat any bill that does not specifically ban the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions."
Click here to view the video.
Contact: Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
Publish Date: October 12, 2009
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