September 10, 2009

Obamacare will put Planned Parenthood Clinics inside Public Schools

Obamacare will put Planned Parenthood Clinics inside Public Schools

As America processes the president’s health care reform speech last night, the American Family Association is drawing attention to a little-noticed provision in H.R. 3200, the House version of ObamaCare, which will put Planned Parenthood clinics inside America’s public schools.

Under the provisions of section with the innocuous-sounding title, “School-Based Health Clinics” (pp. 993-1001 of the bill), a “non-profit health agency” such as Planned Parenthood will be authorized to serve as a “sponsoring facility” for school-based health clinics that will operate during school hours.

Although the bulk of the health care bill is scheduled to go into effect in 2013, this particular provision is slated to go into effect next summer, in time for clinics to appear in public schools by next fall.

Said Tim Wildmon, AFA’s president, “These Planned Parenthood clinics will not be accountable either to parents or school authorities. They will answer only to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, who is radically pro-abortion, and who was a vocal supporter of late-term abortionist George Tiller.

“For the death merchants from Planned Parenthood to have unrestricted access to our schoolchildren during school hours is totally unacceptable, but that’s exactly what will happen under this bill.

“Because the bill orders these clinics to protect ‘patient privacy and student records,’ parents will never know what kind of counsel and treatment their children receive by the time they get home from school.

“America’s parents should be outraged at this stealth attack on their children’s sexual health.”

Added Bryan Fischer, AFA’s Director of Issue Analysis, “Planned Parenthood’s grossly misnamed ‘safe sex’ message has been responsible for a tragic loss of sexual innocence among America’s youth and untold unwanted pregnancies and widespread sexually-transmitted diseases.

“No rational society should allow purveyors of such a destructive message to set up shop on public school property, but that’s exactly what the President and the Democrats in Congress are proposing. It’s time for America’s families to rise up and say “No” to ObamaCare.”

Cindy Roberts
Source: American Family Association
Publish Date: September 10, 2009
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