May 26, 2009

Tiller Abortion Worker Honored at White House by Obama

Tiller Abortion Worker Honored at White House by Obama

Yet another connection between Pres. Obama and late-term abortionist George Tiller

Gold Star Mother Betty Pulliam, who lost a son in Viet Nam, now works to take the lives of other women's sons and daughters at George Tiller late-term abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas. Yesterday, she breakfasted with President Obama and was honored in our nation's capital as part of a Memorial Day observance.

This is yet another connection between Obama and late-term abortionist George Tiller. Obama's new Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, had close connections with Tiller. Pulliam was among those who were honored by Sebelius at a party held in Tiller's honor at the Kansas governor's mansion.

Pulliam, at 83, volunteers her time at Tiller's clinic on busy abortion days. She told the Wichita Eagle of her role as a Gold Star Mother, "You really don't want to belong to this club because in order to belong to this club, you have to lose a child. So nobody wants to belong to it."

"How ironic that Pulliam could make such a statement when she has dedicated a large portion of her life to insuring that other women lose their children to abortion. It is hypocrisy at best, and perhaps stems from some sick need to make sure that other women suffer as she has," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

"Abortion, by its very nature, devalues human life. Pulliam's work at Tiller's abortion clinic, which specializes in particularly heinous late-term abortions on healthy, viable babies, is a major contributor to that devaluation. On a day when our country honored those who willingly sacrificed the precious gift of life for the sake of others, Pulliam's work taking innocent lives through abortion dishonors their brave sacrifice."

Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
Publish Date: May 26, 2009
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