Texas Governor Recognizes that Abortion Hurts Women -- Proclaims April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month
Texas Governor Rick Perry has proclaimed April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month stating:
"Ending a pregnancy through abortion interrupts the natural birth process and creates significant trauma and stress for those involved in the pregnancy. An abortion is a tragic ending, not only because of the loss of a life, but also because of the physical and psychological trauma caused by the procedure itself. This often leads to lasting emotional and mental health problems for the mother, father and other involved family members. Peer-reviewed research has shown that women who obtain abortions are often plagued by feelings of anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, grief and guilt due to the procedure."
Virginia Gov. Kaine restricts funding for fetal and embryonic stem cell research

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, on Monday signed a bill banning the use of some state funds for in-state research on human embryonic stem cells and cells or tissue derived from induced abortions. The bill was part of legislation intended to promote "science and technology-based" research and development in Virginia, CNN's Political Ticker reports. Virginia's General Assembly inserted language that would prevent a state fund from financially supporting organizations or businesses that undertake "research in Virginia on human cells or tissue derived from induced abortions or from stem cells obtained from human embryos."
NY City Council OK's Bill to Arrest Any Protesters at Abortion Clinics

In an attempt to clear a path for patients at reproductive clinics, the City Council approved legislation strengthening the city's clinic access law, allowing police to arrest protesters who harass people seeking medical care. The bill will ensure patients are not threatened, followed or harassed when attempting to enter a clinic, supporters said. On the other hand, critics argue by supposedly strengthening access to clinics, the legislation cripples protesters' First Amendment rights. To provide that access, City Council approved legislation that would remove the need for intent to make an arrest, meaning a police officer could arrest protesters who they see harassing patients. Currently, said city officials, women seeking health care have to come forward for an arrest to be made. Many times, said Council Speaker Christine Quinn, women are too intimidated to come forward and identify harassers.
White House to Kick Off Obama's `Reduce Abortion' Plan Today
I've learned that the White House will kick off its much-discussed plan to reduce abortions tomorrow (Friday) morning with a conference call to religious leaders and abortion-rights[sic] advocates that will feature key White House aides. The call reflects the White House plan to bring faith-based groups, including conservative ones, together with pro-abortion rights[sic] organizations to reduce demand for abortion. Until now, those two camps have frequently been at loggerheads. The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, tasked with reducing demand for abortion, had been waiting for the launch of the White House Council on Women and Girls to start in earnest on its abortion reduction strategy. The Women and Girls Council was formally rolled out a few weeks ago.
University Explores Stem Cell Research
A new course of study at California State University Channel Islands this fall will train students to conduct research that could lead to cures for diabetes, spinal cord injuries or cancer. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine recently awarded the Camarillo-based university a threeyear, $1.7million grant to develop a master'slevel curriculum on stem cell technology and laboratory management. The institute also awarded stem cell research grants to 10 other universities this year.
Logical Outcome of Assisted Suicide Advocacy: Swiss Suicide Clinic to Aid Healty Woman Kill Herself
I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this story. Assisted suicide advocacy rests on two fundamental ideological premises: First, that we own our bodies and it is the "ultimate civil liberty" to decide on the time, manner, and place of our own demise. Second, that killing is an acceptable answer to the problem of human suffering. Once these values are accepted, preventing death on demand becomes logically unsustainable.
The death on demand agenda is now being openly voiced in Switzerland, by the head of one of that country's suicide clinics. Apparently, the healthy wife of a terminally ill, suicidal husband, wants to die alongside him via assisted suicide.
Antiabortion-Rights Groups Turn To Video, Online Media To Rally Support
The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday examined antiabortion-rights groups' increasing use of Internet videos and other online media to gain new supporters and circulate their message. The Journal reports that the producers behind CatholicVote.org -- an antiabortion-rights group with a strong online presence -- consider their tactic of posting short online video clips "a strategic triumph that can help chart a new course for their movement," which is facing a "hostile climate" under the Democrat-controlled White House and Congress. CatholicVote.org President Brian Burch said, "When you're out of political power, you start thinking about new ways to do things." One popular video, which has been viewed nearly 1.8 million times on YouTube since January, shows an ultrasound image of a fetus with a caption that reads, "This child's future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him," before a photo of President Obama appears. The caption then reads, "Life. Imagine the Potential."