October 28, 2008




Special FREE Movie Preview


Now through November 4, you can watch a 3-Day FREE Online Movie Streaming of "Come What May" On GodTube at: http://www.GodTube.com/comewhatmay


You can help pro-life candidates. Audiences have said "Come What May" can inspire citizens to vote with their heart, mind, and conscience, and not just their "bank account" or "pocketbook." Millions of unborn Americans are at risk depending on how voters cast their ballots. "Come What May" is known to cause people of "choice" to be decisively for life. It also makes a powerful case for "when life truly begins." Watch the movie. Refer everyone you know to do the same. There is no excuse. It's FREE online. We are making this movie available to millions of voters at great expense because it's important. Make Your Vote Count for Life!


Watch a 3-Day FREE Online Movie Streaming of "Come What May" On GodTube at: http://www.GodTube.com/comewhatmay



The Largest Pro-Life Event in the United States


This is larger than the Life Chain, larger than Speak-Out Illinois, larger than the National Day of Prayer.  This is the Largest Pro-Life Event in the United States.  Millions are expected to attend.


When: November 4th

Where: Local Voting/Polling Sites around the nation, 7 am to 7 pm in most areas.

What: Cast your vote for your Local, State and National Pro-Life Candidate

Cost: Free


Every Pro-Lifer can be heard, but only if they cast their vote!  Don't let the media vote for you. Don't believe the media when they tell you that your vote won't count. Don't let the media tell you who is going to win, YOU tell them who is going to win - make YOUR voice heard – Vote on November 4th.


For more information please visit: http://www.ifrl-pac.com/2008/general


Also, please view this very moving YouTube Video also letting the candidates in their own words, speak about their positions on life and abortion:



If you know of, or are part of a pro-life organization having an event or attending an event including county fairs, please let us know about it and we will post in this newsletter and our website reaching over 250,000 people a month.  E-mail us at: mail@ifrl.org or postal mail us at IFRL Pro-Life Events, 1104 Milton Road, Alton, IL  62002