When Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden spoke with CBS' Katie Couric recently, she asked him why he believed Roe. v. Wade was a good decision.
"Because it's as close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours. What does it say? It says in the first three months that decision should be left to the woman. And the second three months… the state, the government has a role. … And the third three months, they say the weight of the government's input is on the fetus being carried."
Tony Perkins, president of FRC Action, said Biden left out some key details.
"The senator fails to point out the same-day ruling of Doe v. Bolton that (provided) broad health exceptions for women seeking abortions, (including) physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman's age — thus allowing abortionists carte blanche to nullify any abortion restriction they so please.
"When the full extent of the Supreme Court's decision is brought to light," Perkins said, "it clearly shows there is no 'consensus' on Roe v. Wade."
Biden, along with his running mate, Sen. Barack Obama, supports the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, which could wipe away every federal and state law limiting abortion, undoing decades of legal work and educational successes.
Contact: Jennifer Mesko
Source: CitizenLink
Source URL: www.citizenlink.org
Publish Date: October 3, 2008
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