September 29, 2022

Another 20-Year-Old Patient Hospitalized by Family Planning Associates in Chicago

Family Planning Associates in Chicago
photo credit: Operation Rescue
Prolife Action helped Operation Rescue
obtain 911 records for yet another emergency at Family Planning Associates Medical Group on Washington Blvd in Chicago.

This event took place on May 14. Emergency medical personnel arrived at 3 pm.

Click here to listen to a recording of the 911 call.

The employee who called 911 told a dispatcher “She is syncopal and having shortness of breath. Her hemoglobin is four.” A syncopal patient is falling in and out of consciousness. The dangerously low hemoglobin level signifies that red blood cells are not sufficiently transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissues and lungs. The employee also told the dispatcher that the patient could only walk with assistance.

Operation Rescue has documented 16 emergencies at this clinic since 2018. The pro-life group's full list of documented malpractice claims, serious injuries, and deaths can be found at