May 19, 2021

Planned Parenthood Sues Lubbock, Texas over Sanctuary City Ordinance

After a public election on May 1, the city of Lubbock, Texas became the largest sanctuary city for the unborn in the United States. During that election, the citizens of Lubbock passed an ordinance banning abortion within the city limits. On Monday Planned Parenthood responded by filing a lawsuit against the city.

The ACLU attempted to file a similar lawsuit against seven other sanctuary cities for the unborn in February of 2020, but the pro-abortion organization eventually chose to drop the suit. The ordinances remain in effect today.

Because of this history, Texas Right to life is confident that the Planned Parenthood lawsuit will fail as well. Texas Right to Life's Director of Media and Communications responded to the news:

“Unsurprisingly, Planned Parenthood, which profits off the death of preborn children, is throwing a hodgepodge of complaints at the court and seeing what they can get to stick. In passing the ordinance, Lubbockites acted within their constitutional rights to self-governance and within the scope of current U.S. Supreme Court abortion jurisprudence. The ordinance language is solid and was carefully drafted in expectation of the abortion industry filing a lawsuit.”

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