August 7, 2020

House Appropriations Package Criticized for Pro-Abortion "Poison Pills"

Photo Credit: John Brighenti / Flickr
National Right to Life criticized the passage of H.R. 7617 on July 31. Otherwise known by the lengthy name, "Defense, Commerce, Justice, Science, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2021," this bill includes several provisions that would weaken pro-life policies and allow more taxpayer dollars to be funneled into the abortion industry.

“These poison pill provisions in H.R. 7617 seek to undermine the pro-life policies of the Trump Administration,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Sadly, those who would suffer from the pro-abortion provisions would be women and their unborn children.”

The legislation would block a Department of Health and Human Services rule meant to protect health care providers from discrimination if they refuse to participate in abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide; override the Trump administration's final rule on Title X changes that prevent funding from going to family planning organizations that refer patients to abortion clinics or colocate with them; and allow federal funds to pay for abortions within the District of Columbia.

The more conservative Senate is unlikely to accept H.R. 7617 once it goes to a vote.