
June 11, 2019

Illinois’ Grotesque “Reproductive Health Act” Nothing to do with Health

 Illinois’ Grotesque “Reproductive Health Act” Nothing to do with Health
I’ve mentioned a few times that the possibility that Roe v. Wade might be in play (overturned or at least rolled back), has prompted a significant uptick in state action on abortion. Some states are moving to limit abortion, hoping to be the source of the case that will be considered by the Supreme Court. Other states are racing to ensure that unrestricted abortion remains available within their borders.

In other words, the possible demise of Roe in no way signals the end of this decades-long struggle against abortion. The struggle has only shifted from the federal courts and Congress to the states.

Already this has led to radically extreme pro-abortion bills being passed in various states. Gone are protestations and hand-wringing that abortion is a “tragic necessity.” Instead, abortion is increasingly treated as a positive good. In fact, a few states seem to be in a competition for who can pass the most radical laws.

The leader in this grotesque competition at the moment: Illinois. Click here for more