
June 11, 2019

By a nearly two-thirds margin, AMA votes to retain opposition to assisted suicide

By a nearly two-thirds margin, AMA votes to retain opposition to assisted suicide
The American Medical Association affirmed the recommendation of its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs that the influential AMA remain opposed to assisted suicide.

What made the victory even sweeter was the margin– an overwhelming 65-35 vote.

After many years of hard and detailed work examining the dangerous trends and effects of legalizing assisted suicide, a year ago the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) issued a report to the full AMA to maintain their opposition position to assisted suicide. In June 2018, proponents of assisted suicide celebrated the decision by AMA’s House of Delegates not to accept the CEJA’s recommendation to maintain the AMA’s firm opposition to physician-assisted suicide is a setback and to continue “studying” the issue. The battle would be fought again in 2019.

According to those familiar with the vote and preliminaries, over 20 medical students, interns, and residents provided testimony at yesterday’s Reference Committee meeting. Additionally, numerous other physicians testified at Reference Committee. Click here for more