
May 21, 2019

URGENT ILLINOIS ACTION ALERT - Possible Vote Very Soon on Pro-Abortion Bills in Illinois

URGENT ILLINOIS ACTION ALERT - Possible Vote Very Soon on Pro-Abortion Bills in Illinois
Time is ticking for the pro-abortion legislators to pass their bills attacking life in Illinois.  The House and Senate sessions will adjourn for the summer on May 31st. This only gives them about a week and a half and they may be getting desperate.  To do this they may be attaching their pro-abortion bills to other bills in the Senate that have already passed out of committees.  This can be passed very quickly.

To stop this we need to put immediate pressure on our representatives to vote NO on the Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal Bill and the Late-Term Abortion No Restrictions Bill  even if attached to other bills.

Call your representative as soon as you can and urge them to vote NO on the Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal Bill and the Late-Term Abortion No Restrictions Bill.

This is an urgent matter.

To find your representative's contact information, visit:

For more information on these bills, please visit: