
May 21, 2019

Texas woman narrowly escapes death panel, family transports her by late-night ambulance to willing facility

Texas woman narrowly escapes death panel, family transports her by late-night ambulance to willing facility
Donald Jones rescued his wife, Carolyn, from Memorial Hermann Southwest, racing to a different facility that is providing the conscious woman her desperately needed dialysis.

Donald Jones escaped the clutches of the hospital committee with his beloved wife in a private ambulance funded by Texas Right to Life in the middle of the night.

Carolyn was discharged from Memorial Hermann Southwest despite administrators’ protests–the same administrators who sabotaged transfer efforts.

When the 10-Day Rule of the Texas Advance Directives Act authorized hospital administrators to pull the plug on Carolyn against her family’s will, no one expected her to leave the hospital alive.

Miraculously, the Beaumont woman survived 60 hours without breathing assistance since hospital staff forcibly removed her ventilator on Monday, May 13, at 2 p.m.

Against all odds, Donald rescued Carolyn from a death sentence under the 10-Day Rule. Carolyn is now safe and stable in a new Houston facility, where she is receiving the treatment she needs while she awaits an impending long-term transfer.  Click here for more.