
May 14, 2019

Surprise: Pro-lifers OK with Alyssa Milano’s sex strike for women who don’t want kids

Surprise: Pro-lifers OK with Alyssa Milano’s sex strike for women who don’t want kids
In a tweet sent out on the afternoon of May 11, abortion activist and erstwhile actress Alyssa Milano sent the entire pro-life movement into side-splitting gales of laughter with her new strategy for battling the conveyor belt of anti-abortion legislation that has been passing across the United States this year: a “sex strike” calling for women to cease having sex “until we get bodily autonomy back.”

To summarize: In order to punish the pro-life movement for their recent legislative successes, Milano is suggesting that pro-abortion women stop having sex because sex makes babies, and if you can’t get abortions, you can’t abort those babies, so it is better not to have sex in the first place.  Milano probably did not expect the wave of enthusiastic support from pro-lifers, who would be thrilled if people who are not ready to have babies would stop engaging in baby-making activities, thereby drastically reducing the number of babies being aborted.  Click here for more.