
May 14, 2019

Federal judge strikes down Kentucky ban on gruesome dismemberment abortion procedures

Federal judge strikes down Kentucky ban on gruesome dismemberment abortion procedures
Kentucky cannot ban the second-trimester abortion procedure infamous for dismembering babies in the womb, U.S. District Judge Joseph McKinley declared Friday in a ruling state leaders plan to appeal.

McKinley, a Bill Clinton appointee, based his ruling on the fact that the ban limits abortion options starting at around 14 weeks, which is well before the U.S. Supreme Court’s “viability” threshold, despite the fact that it still allows second-trimester abortions via other methods.

NOTE: Dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion procedures are more commonly known as “dismemberment abortions” because they function by tearing a preborn baby apart limb by limb.  Click here for more.