
October 11, 2018

When the abortion industry fights regulations, it proves it isn’t pro-woman

When the abortion industry fights regulations, it proves it isn’t pro-woman
Last week, U.S. District Judge Greg Stivers ruled that abortion facilities in Kentucky aren’t required to have ambulance transfer or transport agreements with local hospitals, allowing EMW Women’s Surgical Center — Kentucky’s only abortion facility — to remain open. The now-overturned law had been challenged by EMW, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky (PPINK), and Planned Parenthood wasted no time celebrating the ruling, announcing that it could being committing abortions in Kentucky again (emphasis added).  "We are thrilled that women in Kentucky who need this medical service [read: abortion] will be able to access it here. We look forward to helping those women."

Meanwhile, others touted the ruling as a “victory for women” and slammed the law as unnecessary. The sad reality, though, is that government officials need to step in to police the abortion industry, because they’re doing a terrible job of regulating themselves.

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