
October 11, 2018

New Human Slaughterhouse/Spa Opens in Skokie, Illinois

New Human Slaughterhouse/Spa Opens in Skokie, Illinois

According to the Chicago Tribune business section article, Carafem “chose the Chicago area for its third clinic because Illinois’ abortion laws aren’t as restrictive as laws in neighboring states.” Carafem is hoping to capitalize on abortion-seekers from those states.

Let’s not forget what Pinocchio Rauner—also known as No-Social-Agenda Rauner—did in support of his social agenda and deep-pocketed support for Planned Parenthood: He signed into law a bill that mandates that Illinois taxpayers pay for the abortions of state employees and women on Medicaid—and this when Illinois has no money.

Click here for much more from Illinois Family Action.