Abortion activists like to claim that pro-lifers are liars about pretty much everything. They claim that abortion victim photographs, which shows the horrific reality of what the procedure does to human beings developing in the womb, are fake (although they won’t say what they think the baby looks like when the abortionist gets through with her.) They insist that the video exposes released by organizations like the Center for Medical Progress and Live Action are “doctored.” And they assure everyone that abortion workers are not feticide technicians, but simply feminists out to help women in any way they can.
And that is why the testimonies of those who actually worked in the abortion industry before becoming pro-life are so devastating. There have been many high-profile defectors over the years: Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the founders of NARAL, Norma McCorvey, otherwise known as Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, and Dr. Anthony Levatino, among others. Carol Everett, a former abortion provider, even wrote a book in the early ‘90s detailing what the abortion business is all about. Titled Blood Money: Getting Rich Off a Women’s Right to Choose, Everett’s book exposes the abortion industry for precisely what it is: A business, with dead babies being the product. Some time ago, I spoke with Everett about her experience as an abortion worker. This is what she told me.
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