July 31, 2018
University of New Mexico ends aborted baby parts research, for now
Research using the body parts of preborn babies who were victims of abortion at the University of New Mexico will end — at least, for now. After two internal investigations revealed that Dr. Robin Ohls was found to have violated UNM Health Sciences Center policy, the university announced that the program will cease. Ohls did not have proper documentation regarding her relationship with the Michigan-based Zietchick Research Institute, where she sent the body parts of aborted babies, nor for an internal review of her research project.
Dr. Paul Roth, the chancellor of the Heath Sciences Center, banned Ohls from ever “acquiring, transferring or performing research on fetal tissue” in a June memo. Another committee, the Human Tissue Oversight Committee, was even harsher on Ohls, saying she was “negligent and knowingly violated” school policy.
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