July 19, 2018

Statistics Reveal many Abortions are happening later in Pregnancy

100K later term abortions in 2014 per Guttmacher (Graph image: Guttmacher Institute)
A recent state abortion data reveals that later-term abortions in some states were as high as 15 to 17 percent of all abortions reported. National abortion data reveals that over 100,000 abortions occur in the second and third trimesters each year. Polls show that the American public is uneasy with aborting a child beyond the first trimester (13 weeks and up) and believe it should be restricted after this point.

It is clear from previous reports that late-term abortions are not being committed solely for health reasons. In several states, including New Mexico, taxpayers are actually forced to fund late-term procedures (after the 20th week) done for any reason the woman desires.

In 2014, more than 100,000 abortions took place in the 2nd and 3rd trimester...

- 13-15 weeks (6.2%): 57,424
- 16-20 weeks (3.8%): approximately 35,195
- 21 weeks and greater (1.3%): approximately 12,040

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