Live Action News has previously documented how taxpayers in several states are footing the bill to pay for abortions, even repeat or multiple abortions. A newly-enacted law in Illinois provides state health insurance and Medicaid coverage for abortions, and the media is salivating to cheer it on. But tragically, rather than direct women to resources which can help them with options other than abortion, many in the media are glorifying the use of taxpayer dollars for abortions as the best solution for pregnant women in need.
One such case, highlighted recently by the Chicago Tribune, involved a woman of low income who received a Medicaid-funded abortion at a Planned Parenthood of Illinois facility. She claimed in her statement to the paper, “I don’t have any help. That’s why I’m making the decision I am now.”
We can’t deny the fact that women can face many struggles during pregnancy, which the profitable abortion industry can exploit. After all, the abortion industry knows that repeat abortions occur more frequently when they are taxpayer-funded.
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