
February 19, 2018

National pro-life group endorses Ives for Governor in IL GOP primary

National pro-life group endorses Ives for Governor in IL GOP primary
Friday, the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List announced its endorsement of Ives in the March 20th primary, with the enthusiastic support of Illinois resident and former ob-gyn nurse Jill Stanek, who now serves as the group's national campaign chair.

“Governor Rauner’s outrageous betrayal of his pro-life constituents will have political consequences,” said Stanek, now an international pro-life activist, speaker, and writer. “When Rauner flip-flopped on forcing taxpayers to fund abortion on demand, he condemned as many as 3,800 innocent unborn children with the stroke of a pen. The choice before the voters is stark. Illinois families can’t afford another disastrous four years of Bruce Rauner.”

Incumbent Republican governor Bruce Rauner drew the national group's attention when he signed into law a bill mandating taxpayer funding of abortion through the state’s Medicaid program months after stating he would oppose it.

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