
February 19, 2018

Abortion is not health care: why the abortion Industry embraces scientifically absurd euphemisms

Abortion is not health care: why the abortion Industry embraces scientifically absurd euphemisms
“Abortion. Is. Health care,” emphatically proclaims NARAL Pro-Choice America. That group is not the only one who says so.

Defenders of abortion often call it “health care” or “reproductive health care.” They routinely use the term “abortion care.” They say abortion is a “medical procedure” and call drug-induced (non-surgical) abortion “medication abortion.”

This use of terminology should strike everyone, including those who support abortion, as simply ridiculous.

The purpose of health care is to preserve or restore healthy functioning. Merriam-Webster provides this definition: “efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being.” Medicine, similarly, is defined as “the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease.” Medication and medical procedures are about treating illness.

So is abortion health care? Is it medicine?

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