January 31, 2018

Pro-abortion myths, fables, and fairytales about fetal pain

Dr. Jean A. Wright Quote on unborn pain
We all know the French adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Never, ever was that more true than in listening to the pro-abortion drivel on display Monday in the Senate as Democrats successfully prevented Republicans from cutting off a filibuster of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. (Sixty votes were needed to “invoke cloture” so there could have been an up or down vote.)

But I was wrong. There is a worse example of recycling myths, fables, and fairytales about fetal pain. I didn’t notice it at the time but evidently Maggie Fox of NBC News had read twitter posts from a “doctor” and decided to interview him after the Senate vote.

By way of preface, Fox can be very perceptive reporter, but less so when she wanders into politics. For example, “the doctor just explained late-term abortion—on Twitter” is Dr. Daniel Grossman.

Grossman is not some ordinary M.D. He is a nearly full-time abortion apologist who composes such convoluted half-truths it takes five times as much space to rebut them as for him to compose them.

For example, he tells Fox

“I really feel like it’s important for policymakers, legislators, to use the best available scientific evidence when they are making policy related to health. I also think it’s important for them to listen to the patients that are affected by this healthcare and neither of those things were done related to this recent bill.”

Small problem. Everything—everything—he told Fox is wrong. Demonstrably wrong. Wrong in the sense of being debunked years ago.

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