Timetable pushed back until at least July 25 for possibly removing Charlie’s ventilator
In all the accounts of the emotion-packed hearing over the fate of little Charlie Gard, little attention was paid to the fact that UK High Court of Justice Nicholas Francis had asked an American neurologist if he would be willing to come to London to examine Gard. The only reference to “Dr. I’s.” response was that he seemed to be reluctant to do so.
But, as they say, that was then and today we’re told not only the doctor’s name– Michio Hirano–but that Charlie will be evaluated by the Columbia University Medical Center neurologist next Monday and Tuesday. And that Charlie’s ventilator, which the hospital is determined to unhook post-haste, will not be removed until at least July 25 when Justice Francis says he hopes to have a decision whether he will allow Connie Yates and Chris Gard to take their child to the United States for experimental nucleoside therapy.
Further good news. Dr. Hirano, who specializes in myopathies and other neuromuscular diseases, will “meet with his current immediate care team and other specialists, including a doctor from the Vatican children’s hospital. Charlie’s mother, Connie Yates, fought to attend and was given permission,” according to the Associated Press.
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