Chicago enacted a bubble zone rule of 50 feet from abortion clinic entrances, stating that once in that bubble, pro-life counselors could get no closer than eight feet from someone entering the clinic. Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League says his organization filed suit against that rule about two years ago.
"We have documented the many ways that this law has been abused – the way it's been used harass pro-lifers," he tells OneNewsNow. "Plus, the fact that it's been only actually used in any kind of police action a couple of times, and in every instance those cases have been dismissed."
In contrast to the restriction on pro-lifers, abortion proponents – including clinic escorts – can enter into the same bubble zone and confront pro-lifers, screaming and yelling at them if they choose. Scheidler contends that one form of speech is restricted while another is not.
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