
May 23, 2017

Study claims waiting period laws don’t work even though minds are changed and lives saved

America’s abortion research academy—UCSF (University of California, San Francisco)—has produced another study claiming that yet another category of pro-life legislation is ineffective, or even has harmful consequences. This time, according to authors Sarah Roberts, Elise Belusa, Sarah Combellick, Lauren Ralph, and David K. Turok, the offending law is Utah’s 72 hour waiting period.

The law, researchers acknowledged, “did not prevent most women who presented for information visits from having abortions” but had, they asserted, “burdened women with financial costs, logistical hassles and extended periods of dwelling on decisions they had already made.”

However, when UCSF conducted its three week followup, the data shows something UCSF did not wish to highlight. There were women who did change their minds about abortion after their counseling sessions and three-day wait, who were still pregnant and no longer seeking abortion.

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