
May 23, 2017

David Daleiden to speak at NRLC 2017 Convention in Milwaukee

David Daleiden
With the beginning of the 2017 National Right to Life Convention now less than six weeks away, pro-lifers will be delighted to know that David Daleiden will be speaking June 29 at 12:20 – 2 pm.

For information about the convention and how to register, go to

Mr. Daleiden, a citizen journalist and the project lead at The Center for Medical Progress, became nationally known in 2015 when CMP undercover investigators posed as buyers of “fetal tissue” (an umbrella term that includes intact hearts and lungs and pancreas and brains), and asked the kinds of questions someone who is the middleman would ask of the abortion industry.

The product of this 30-month-long “Human Capital” investigation was a lengthy series of videos that documented Planned Parenthood’s unsavory involvement in the procurement and sale of body parts from aborted babies.

Click here for more from National Right to Life