
November 16, 2016

Republicans unanimously support Ryan for Speaker, Democrats postpone decision on Nancy Pelosi

Pro-life President-elect Donald Trump and pro-life Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-Wi.). Getty image.
Pro-life President-elect Donald Trump and
pro-life Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-Wi.). Getty image.
Pro-life Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wi.) won a unanimous vote of support today from House Republicans colleagues for a second term as speaker of the House.

The full House will select the Speaker when the 115th Congress convenes in January. Since Republicans will retain a majority of about two dozen seats in the new Congress, today’s vote virtually assures Ryan’s election as speaker in January.

Ahead of today’s vote, Ryan told reporters, “Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government,” according to the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, House Democrats, still reeling from the election results, put off leadership elections until after Thanksgiving “following an outcry from several dozen members who said they needed more time to assess last week’s devastating election,” POLITICO reported.

While no Democrat has formally announced he/she would challenge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Ca.), “the next two weeks will now be a debate about Pelosi’s future,” Heather Caygle and John Bresnahan reported.

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