
November 17, 2016

Abortionist: Providers would be willing to break the law if abortion becomes illegal

Dr. Lisa Harris was seen in one of the undercover videos captured by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
Dr. Lisa Harris was seen in one of the undercover
videos captured by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
Amid continued post-election violence across the U.S. in response to Hillary Clinton’s failed bid for the presidency, one of the abortion providers caught on tape last year discussing baby body parts procurement in the Planned Parenthood fetal tissue trafficking scandal has said abortionists will break the law if necessary to keep performing abortions.

The abortion lobby has been sounding the alarm for a possible judicial and legislative attack on the lucrative procedure since Donald Trump’s upset victory over Clinton last week. Planned Parenthood called for donations and second trimester abortion doctor Lisa Hope Harris told a science and technology periodical that while abortionists are worried about the potential for overturning Roe v. Wade in a Trump administration, because of “conscience” they would be willing to keep performing the procedure even if it became against the law.

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