
November 3, 2016

Is your vote in accordance with what you say you believe?

Be their voice, Vote Pro-Life
As an old-fashioned patriotic type, I believe we are obliged to take responsibility for shaping our democracy. But, at the same time, I know that others are convinced there are other “better” uses of their time, especially if they are not inspired by the candidates. I speak to them all the time.

However there is an altogether different moral calculus for pro-lifers. Babies die by the thousands each and every day. Can we honestly say we don’t have 20 minutes to do what we can to level the legislative field for those who have no voice but ours?

In our capacity as single-issue pro-life voters, do we properly recognize the clear implication of our own view?


Probably we do, in the sense that in our ethical calculations we prioritize saving unborn babies from abortion and the medically dependent from assisted suicide and euthanasia. But as voters, do we always, always, always go to the polls?

Do you know which candidates are pro-life?  Click here for the IFRL PAC Endorsements.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.