
November 2, 2016

Americans don’t want to foot bill for killing babies

Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton
Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton
Politico-Harvard poll clearly indicates that Hillary Clinton supporters believe Medicaid should be reimbursing Planned Parenthood for abortions - but National Right to Life Committee president Carol Tobias tells OneNewsNow it also shows that a majority of Americans are opposed to it.

“Americans do not want their tax dollars to pay to kill unborn babies,” she says. “That hasn't changed in the 40 years that the Hyde Amendment has been law, and yet we know that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party platform are calling for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment so that tax dollars can be used to pay for abortion.”

“They [Planned Parenthood] are not a full-service medical facility or an organization,” she explains. “We have a lot of community health centers in this country that do provide full-service medical care for women, but they're not getting as much money as they could or should because it's going to Planned Parenthood.”

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