
October 14, 2016

Pro-lifers to mark Planned Parenthood's 100 years with candlelight vigil

Saturday, October 15, 2016, the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League will host a candlelight prayer vigil at the Aurora Planned Parenthood, marking the abortion providers' 100th year.

Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League, noted the significance of the abortion giant’s anniversary, saying, “This month Planned Parenthood turns 100. That’s 100 years of preying on our families, polluting our culture, and, since 1970, killing our children by the millions. As they hold big fundraisers to celebrate this shameful milestone, those that value human life will unite to pray for an end to this organization that has done so much to destroy American families.”

Saturday's event will recognize Planned Parenthood's October 1916 founding by birth control activist and sex educator Margaret Sanger. While organized decades before, the first Planned Parenthood abortion was performed three years before the practice was legalized with the Supreme Court's Roe vs Wade decision. To date, Planned Parenthood has provided roughly 7.3 million abortions, currently adding over 320,000 to that total every year, cornering nearly one third of the U.S. abortion market.

The Aurora candlelight vigil - to begin at 6:00 PM Saturday - is one of 120 pro-life events in the United States marking the 100th anniversary of the abortion giant.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.