
October 13, 2016

How should Pro-Lifers dialogue with the American people?

In the run up to the very important November 8 elections, understandably we pay a great deal of attention to the political process. But whoever is President, pro-life Donald Trump or pro-abortion Hillary Clinton, an overarching question will remain unchanged: how do those who affirm the value of all human life most propitiously dialogue with the American people?

The historian W.E. Lecky somewhere observes that the spread of any idea depends not only on the intrinsic power of that idea but also on the predisposition of the age to which it is presented. Taking that as our cue, clearly our task is to create in modern America an overriding receptivity—a predisposition—to the idea that the unborn child is “one of us,” deserving of justice and loving care.

Since pro-lifers believe that virtually every heart, no matter how calloused, can be touched, we have a challenging job ahead of us. But before we can devise a winning strategy for seriously influencing the hearts and minds of people, we must figure out what are today’s principal stumbling blocks, the primary obstacles that impede this receptivity to the message that the unborn are our brothers and sisters.

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