
February 22, 2016

IL family, pro-life and TEA Party leaders side with McCarter, condemn Shimkus, over latest ad

Despite claims being made by 20 year Congressman John Shimkus in a new campaign ad attacking Senator Kyle McCarter, the 15th CD GOP primary challenger says Shimkus is not telling the truth.

While January polling showed Shimkus way ahead of McCarter, Shimkus must see a need to try to dub McCarter "a Washington insider" that sides with the "Chicago Machine." The ad also accuses McCarter of supporting ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood.

“I never voted for or voiced support for Obamacare and I never supported Planned Parenthood funding,” McCarter said in a statement. “The healthcare resolution to Congress and the President asked them to address the healthcare issue. There was still ongoing national debate at the time and Obamacare was still two years away from taking effect."

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