
February 18, 2016

Congressional Subpoenas Go Out to Uncooperative Abortion Providers, Profiteers

The Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has announced that it will begin issuing subpoenas to two businesses and one publicly-funded university in an attempt to obtain information in its investigation of abortion abuses. All three institutions have been uncooperative with the Select Panel’s requests to voluntarily provide information to the Committee.

“It will be interesting to see what happens next. The subpoenas will set up a showdown between the rule of law and those who routinely act outside it. Will there be compliance with the subpoenas or will these members of the Abortion Cartel continue to behave as if they are above the law?” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “We hope there is compliance, but the Committee must be prepared for the same arrogant defiance we have seen so often in the past.”

“This is a unique opportunity for the Committee to tear off the veil of secrecy that is protecting a corrupt system that is shielding abortion businesses from responsibility for substandard operations that is brutally killing babies just weeks or days from delivery and endangering the lives of women every day,” said Newman.

Click here for more from Operation Rescue.