
December 24, 2015

Abortion Statistics fall in Illinois

Illinois Department of Public Health has published its abortion statistics for calendar year 2014.  These numbers give Illinois pro-lifers information about which to be very thankful as we celebrate the birth of Christ.  The overall number of abortions performed in Illinois has dropped 2,278 from 2013 to 2014, a drop of almost 5.6%, and the number of abortions performed on teenagers 17 years of age and under dropped 507, almost 28.8%.  There were also noteworthy declines from 2012 to 2013.  2014 was the first full year the Illinois parental notification law, passed back in 1995, had been in force.  2012 was the last year without a parental notification law in effect.

These statistics show the critical impact of pro-life work in the General Assembly and the courts.  They also show us why our political efforts are critical.  The victories are hard fought.  The Illinois Federation for Right to Life was in the forefront of the effort to shepherd the parental notification bill through the General Assembly and instrumental in securing the signature of the pro-abortion former-governor Jim Edgar.   

The IFRL needs your support so that maximum pressure can be placed on our state government to pass and enforce pro-life laws.  Pro-life laws save large numbers of lives when they are passed and enforced.

The 2014 abortion data is now available on line (a copy is attached to this e-mail).  The figures for the first full year the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act was in effect (2014) are impressive.  The numbers of abortions performed in Illinois on Illinois minors (under 18 years of age) dropped by almost 29% from 2013, when the Act was in effect for only the last five months of the year.  Abortions of minors under the age of 0-14 dropped 28%.  Abortions of minors ages 15-17 dropped 29%.  Abortions for all Illinois minors dropped from 1,762 to 1,255.  Abortions for all Illinois minors dropped from 1,762 to 1,255. year.  For the two subcategories, the numbers dropped from 149 to 109 (0-14), and from 1,613 to 1,146 (15-17).

In 2014 the Act was in effect throughout the year. The result was that the numbers of abortions performed in Illinois on Illinois minors dropped from 2,213 to 1,255, a reduction of 958 abortions, or 43% in two years.  For ages 0-14 the numbers went from 218 to 109, a reduction of exactly 50% in two years and for ages 15-17 from 1,995 to 1,255, a reduction of 740, or 37% in two years.

The overall number of abortions in Illinois was reduced from 43,203 in 2012 and 40,750 in 2013 to 38,472 in 2014.  This is a decline of more than 4,700 in two years (almost 11%). 

Of the 43,203 abortions in 2012, 3,138 were performed on out of state residents.  In 2013 of the 40,750, 3,189 were from out of state residents and of the 38, 472 in 2014 2,970 were from out of state.

(Attorney Paul Linton contributed statistical analysis).