
December 23, 2015

2015 Abortion Clinic Survey Reveals 81% of Abortion Clinics Closed Since 1991

The total number abortion clinics in America continues to decline, following nationwide trend extending back to 1991. In 2015, abortion clinics closed at a rate of more than one per week with 53 abortion clinics shutting down or halting all abortion services.

Operation Rescue surveyed by telephone all abortion facilities in the U.S. from December 1-15, 2015 and found the following:

42 Surgical abortion clinics halted all abortion services.

11 Medical abortion clinics halted all abortion services.

In addition, a number of abortion facilities reduced services:

16 abortion clinics halted surgeries and now offer only medication abortions.

12 abortion clinics stopped dispensing abortion drugs and now only offer surgical abortions, noting that the abortion pill was "ineffective" or "too dangerous."

In all, 81 abortion clinics closed or reduced services in 2015.

Click here for the originating article from Christian Newswire.