
September 28, 2015

NRLC urges Congress to support the Women’s Public Health and Safety Act (H.R. 3495)

Dear Member of Congress:

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of state right-to-life organizations, urges you to support the Women’s Public Health and Safety Act (H.R. 3495), sponsored by Congressman Sean Duffy, when it comes before the House of Representatives on September 29.

According to a Government Accountability Office report released March 20, 2015, PPFA received $344.5 million in federal funds over three fiscal years (2010-2012), and another $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid (a combination of state and federal funds), for a three-year total of $1.5 billion from federal programs.

PPFA is also the nation’s largest provider of abortions. Over one-third of all abortions in the U.S. are performed at PPFA-affiliated facilities – indeed, one senior Planned Parenthood official boasted in 2014, “We have 40 percent of the [abortion] market in the whole country.” PPFA now defines abortion as a “core” service, which means that PPFA requires every PPFA affiliate to provide abortions. For additional up-to-date information on the extent of Planned Parenthood’s involvement in abortion, see:

H.R. 3495 would make it clear that federal law does not prevent a state from, at its option, excluding organizations that provide elective abortions from the Medicaid program. We urge you to support this vital legislation. NRLC intends to include the roll call on passage of H.R. 3495 in our scorecard of key pro-life roll calls of the 114th Congress.

Click here for the originating letter from National Right to Life.