
September 28, 2015

Made available to young teens, use of Plan B has increased

In 2006, teens 18 years old and up could buy Plan B, otherwise known as the morning after pill, without a prescription. Those age limits were lifted in 2015 so younger girls can buy it, or their boyfriend or adult molester. Penny Nance is president of Concerned Women for America, and she says the results of allowing younger girls to use the morning after pill are concerning.

“Now that we've made the morning after pill available for anyone at any age, we're seeing an extreme increase in teen use,” she tells OneNewsNow. “About a decade ago, it was one in twelve kids using it, and now a report has come out that about one in five teenage girls have used the morning after pill, which we know is an abortifacient.”

That may be due to promiscuity, but another problem is that the Food and Drug Administration rushed the drug through the process without research on how the drug would impact growing bodies. It's a very strong dose of birth control medication.

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