September 22, 2015
Majority of U.S. Senate votes to advance Pain-Capable Child Protection Act, but Democrats block consideration
A majority of the U.S. Senate today voted to advance the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), but on a near party-line vote, a minority blocked consideration of the bill.
Fifty-four (54) senators (51 Republicans and three Democrats) voted to take the bill up for debate, but 60 votes were required. The motion was opposed by 42 senators (two Republicans and 40 Democrats), with four senators absent (one Republican and three Democrats).
The bill would extend federal protections to unborn children who have reached 20 weeks fetal age (22 weeks of pregnancy), with certain exceptions, and to babies who are born alive during late abortions. The bill was developed from model legislation offered by National Right to Life in 2010,enacted thus far in 12 states. The legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives on May 13, 242-184.
Click here for the originating article from NRL News Today.