Two polls show that most Americans oppose the government mandate requiring most business and nonprofit employers to offer potential abortion-inducing drugs in their employee health plans.
WPA Opinion Research found that 59 percent of likely American voters do not support the Health and Human Services mandate. A Rasmussen survey shows that 51 percent disagree with it.
The Obama administration required most for-profit businesses to comply by August of last year. Nonprofits — many of which are faith-based — have a "safe-harbor" until January.
"Public opposition to the HHS mandate regarding contraception and drugs that can destroy human embryos, like opposition to the law overall, is significant," WPA concludes. "Obamacare has seen its public support drop as the unadvertised consequences of the law have become clear. Drugs that can destroy a human embryo are just another instance of this."
More than 80 lawsuits are in play.
"Although the Supreme Court has agreed to hear (two of) these cases, Congress should listen to the American people and act to protect the livelihoods of Americans that are now at risk," said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. "Congress must fulfill its constitutional duty to protect employers and individuals who do not want to be punished for standing up for their rights."
Contact: Bethany Monk, CitizenLink