October 24, 2013

Yale Hosts Inaugural Pro-Life Conference

It's not something you see every day: A student-led pro-life conference at one of the nation's Ivy League universities. But with the success of the inaugural event, members of Choose Life at Yale (CLAY) are hoping to see others like it.
"Vita et Veritas: Promoting a Culture of Life and Truth" ran from Thursday through Sunday. Some of the speakers included Sally Winn, vice president of Feminists for Life and Clarke Forsythe and Bill Saunders of Americans United for Life.
"In an institution that is so pro-choice, it's important to have that alternative view," said CLAY member Courtney McEachon, the organization's out-going president. She described Yale as "hostile" to the pro-life view.
Event speakers, she said, helped attendees see how varying philosophical or religious views could eventually all lead to the pro-life stance.
Former abortionist Dr. Haywood Robinson gave a talk Saturday called "The Secret Agenda."
"The title drew a lot of people — they wanted to hear what he had to say," McEachon told CitizenLink. Robinson focused on abortion sellers and their economic goals.
"Both sides sometimes assume that Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice groups are looking out for the best interests of women, but they do have alternative motives," McEachon explained. "Abortion is a huge moneymaker."
In just 2009, Planned Parenthood's estimated revenue from abortions was $191 million, according to Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of Public Policy for Focus on the Family.
Although CLAY was formed in 2003, this is its first conference.
"There are students here who want to support life," she said.
Tim Goeglein, vice president for external relations at Focus on the Family, said Yale's conference underscores a dedication to the pro-life movement.
"The Yale gathering is a pro-life tribute to the growing numbers of young Americans who agree with the late Father Richard John Neuhaus, that babies should be welcomed into the world and protected in law," he explained. "This Ivy League gathering is a sign of vitality and renewal."
Contact: Bethany Monk, CitizenLink