September 30, 2013

USCCB: statement for Respect Life Sunday

Cardinal Seán O'Malley, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has issued a statement for Respect Life Sunday, which takes place on October 6.
Since 1973, "over 55 million unborn children's lives have been taken, leaving many millions of mothers, fathers, and family members wounded and grieving their loss," said Cardinal O'Malley. "Physician-assisted suicide is now legal in three states, allowing doctors to help end patients' lives rather than provide much-needed comfort in times of pain and distress. These laws pave the way for euthanasia by undermining true respect and care for people with serious illness."
He added:
Only a tender, compassionate love that seeks to serve those most in need, whatever the personal cost, is strong enough to overcome a culture of death and to build a civilization of love. Let us open our hearts and reflect on how God might be calling each of us to witness the sacredness of human life and assist in pro-life efforts. We may be called to help parents welcome their unborn child as a miracle of God's creation, to visit the elderly or aid those who are sick and suffering, to pray and fast for life, to advocate to our elected officials, or to assist educational efforts in our parishes.
Source: Catholic World News