September 17, 2013

No Illinois U.S. House members sign onto bill that would defund Obamacare

Despite an ongoing efforts to defund the unpopular Obamacare, not a single Illinois Congressman is listed among the 42 co-sponsors on U.S. Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA) bill introduced Thursday that would fully delay and defund Obamacare until 2015, while funding the government for FY 2014.
The 42 members that have signed onto Graves' "Stability, Security and Fairness Resolution" (H.J.Res. 62 - See attachment below) are significant in that House Republicans must have no more than 16 defections on any legislation to pass a continuing budget resolution to keep the federal government funded beginning October 1. Groups such as Heritage Action that have been calling for Congress to defund Obamacare are endorsing Graves' plan.
"After weeks of working with and listening to members on how to approach the government funding deadline, it's clear that House Republicans are united around two goals: keeping the government open and protecting our constituents from the harmful effects of Obamacare. Today, my 42 cosponsors and I are putting forward a plan that achieves both goals," said Rep. Graves.
"This plan is straightforward. We will achieve long-term stability by funding the government for the next fiscal year. Additionally, the resolution includes the three House-passed appropriations bills that affect our national security and our veterans. Our troops, their families and our veterans should not have their priorities put on hold," Graves continued. "Finally, our plan will achieve fairness for every American by fully delaying and defunding Obamacare until 2015. This approach builds upon the Obama Administration's policy of delaying portions of Obamacare and relieves taxpayers of the burden of funding a program that is not being implemented."
Stability, Security and Fairness Resolution Summary
Stability: Keeps the government open for FY2014.
· A Continuing Resolution for FY2014 for the nine non-security bills, with overall spending for the entire bill, security and non-security, at the post-sequestration number of $967.4 billion.
Security: Prioritizes funding for national security and veterans.
· Includes the Defense, Homeland Security and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bills for FY2014 as passed by the House.
Fairness: Provides healthcare fairness and taxpayer relief by defunding and delaying Obamacare until 2015.
UPDATE: The following was taken from at 4:00 PM CST - September 13, 2013 - 42 co-sponsors are listed and none from Illinois.
Source: Illinois Review