September 23, 2013

New study says abortion is economic issue, costing America $37 trillion

What impact has this massive destruction of human life had on our current economic situation? A study called "The Cost of Abortion" estimates that America's GDP is currently deficit $37 trillion, due to the millions of Americans that are missing from contributing to the nation's economy.
The study looked at abortion statistics from between 1973 (when abortions became legal) and 2007 (the latest year abortion figures are available) to find over 48 million "missing" Americans. In addition, statistics say that half of those aborted would have been females that likely would have had at least one child by the time they reached age 25.
Using the number of first and second generation aborted Americans would project to a total of 54,853,850 missing persons, who would have interpreted to $37,642,025,464,469.90 in 2013 U.S. dollars. Because of abortion, America has 52 million fewer taxpayers that would have provided a strong economic foundation for the nation, the study report says. And since the stats are seven years old, the real fiscal impact is significantly more since abortion numbers have not dramatically decreased since 2007.
"Because of abortion we have lost millions of successful entrepreneurs, inventors, business owners, physicians, lawyers, teachers, venture capitalists , investors, artists, and, of course, mothers and fathers who would have birthed children whose descendants would have become productive citizens contributing to a robust economy."
Source: Illinois Review